Tracking Camera
- Created a python application that tracks a user's face using openCV and sends command over serial
- Arduino that using serial inputs turns a motor to either the right or the left
Secure Device Supply Chain
- Ensured security of data on device during build process and deployment using AES encryption
- Kept passwords and tokens confidential during deployment using SHA 256 hashing
- Performed attacks on other designs using memory dumping, MITM attacks, etc
Embedded Security Club Website
- Created a webpage using Bootstrap for Embedded Security Club that offers information about the club
- Created a variety of assests for recoures for members of the Club
In the Works
Book Recomandation Algorithim
- Using machine learning to find books that are rated high by similar users
- Finding a good book for a user based off of their ratings of books
Nerf Turret
- Using yolos object detection model to track a specified person
- Raspberry pi controlled pan and tilt and firing mechanism